Achievements at our Warehouse

Our warehouse relocation in April marked a significant expansion for our team and operations capacity. This has further proved our commitment to personalised solutions, frictionless service, and operational reliability. We provide faster deliveries and a more personalised approach than ever before. We have been striving to continuously improve our warehouse operations, and our team have been going from strength to strength.

Our dedicated Warehouse Operatives are responsible for storing, picking, and shipping our goods to customers. Our Quality Control Coordinator then checks all our orders to ensure the quality of goods leaving us is as high as possible. Our Warehouse Office Manager and Warehouse Manager are responsible for the day-to-day operations and provide leadership to the team for enhanced productivity, safety, and accuracy during our operations. The team work seamlessly together to provide the best service for our customers. Click here to read more about our team.

Thanks to this teamwork, our pick accuracy at Velocity Point is now 99.89% on average year to date. This accuracy was also maintained during our warehouse relocation, alongside fulfilling orders to our customers. This shows our attention to detail and care with each and every order we receive. And since our arrival at Velocity Point in April, we have shipped over 11,500 pallets of stock, which includes 154 containers.

Our warehouse team have also picked over 201,000 cases since the warehouse move and are planning to hit a quarter of a million cases by mid-October. Not only are our operations expanding, but our team have been extremely successful in minimising the average time needed to unload a container. We are proud to say that the average time to unload a container has been reduced by 50% in the last 5 months.

The dedication and accuracy provided by our warehouse team has resulted in many pleased customers. With many ambitious targets to continually improve our operations, we are looking forward to what our future at Velocity Point will hold.